In which I occasionally ramble about some of the games I'm playing. Updates sporadically. Image heavy and may contain spoilers.
Entry 008 - Feb/Mar/Apr/May
Hogwarts Legacy, Animal Crossing: Wild World, Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Hades II
Well, it's certainly been a while since my last gamelog entry! To be honest, I haven't really been playing much these past few months. Or at least, not much I feel like talking about.
The DLC for Splatoon 3 was released, but I haven't touched it yet. I'm all Splatooned out, I'm afraid. I haven't played the game since January lol. In February and March,
I mainly spent my time rotting by replaying Skyrim. Again. I'm currently in the middle of the Dark Brotherhood, Dawnguard (vampire), and the main questlines. Haven't touched the
Dragonborn DLC yet, and I don't plan on doing the civil war stuff. I've put a ton of hours into Skyrim, but I've only beaten the entire thing once.
Usually, I make a character and tell myself I won't be a stealth archer again (which is a lie), play a decent amount, stop, and then don't touch the game for a year. Then, when I go back,
I've forgotten what I was doing so I just start over again lol. At this point, I've memorized quite a few quests and dungeons in their entirety.
Anyway, I got a bit farther into Hogwarts Legacy before putting it down. Not because it was bad or anything. I just have issues when it comes to beating games lmao.
Whenever I'm nearing the end of a game, I usually lose motivation to keep playing it. I guess I don't like it when things are over or something? Not sure, but I will pick this game
back up again! Eventually. It's currently winter, and I'm in the middle of the major character quests. I was going to say that I'm doing illegal shit with Sebastian, but then I realized that
all three questlines involve you doing things that are probably illegal. Funny that. Anyway, my character is currently live love laughing while casting horrible curses on her enemies. I've
been really enjoying the character development/exploration in all three questlines. Sebastian's is the standout of the three, but I also really like Poppy's and Natty's quests so far.
I will say that Sebastian is an absolutely horrible friend. Poor, poor Ominis. Not only is his best friend really shitty, but my character is 100% happy to enable Sebastian lol.

In April, I randomly got the urge to play Animal Crossing: Wild World. I own the cart for Wild World, but I decided to test out TWiLightMenu. TWiLightMenu can do a bunch of stuff, but what mainly interested me was that you can play DS games and be able to take screenshots with it, something you can't do with the base 3DS. Perfect for

The day after he moved in, Genji called me fat and demanded if I was slacking off on the workout plan he gave me. When I said I had no idea what the fuck he was talking about, he had the audacity to get mad at me! Some of the dialogue had me cackling. I forgot how funny the villagers were in the old games. In the newer ones, they're so generic, nice, and booooooring. Please Nintendo, give me some personality!

The cool thing about TWiLightMenu is that it launches DS games using nds-bootstrap, so that the games are played natively instead of being emulated. This means that, using local play, I was able to connect Canto, my ROM town, to the town I have on my game cart by finding my old DS and using it to connect to my hacked 3DS. Wild World is a bit annoying in that you can't get the final Nook store upgrade unless

ACWW Image Dump

In May, the long-awaited Hades II was released in early access. The first game was fantastic, so I immediately jumped at the opportunity to play Hades II. Unfortunately, I've been busy and haven't been able to play a lot.

Overall, the bosses in Hades II feel harder than the ones from the first game. Not that I'm complaining. The second boss is absolutely fantastic! I love the overall design of that boss battle, and the 'featured artist' gimmick is so cool! Funnily enough, while overall I think Hades II is harder, the third and fourth areas in this game are way easier than the first one. I practically breezed through the fourth one. On my eighth run, I made it all the way to Chronos but then died. I can't really say much about his fight since I've only fought him once, but some of his attacks seem a little... cheesy? Cheap? I'm not sure, but I feel like his attacks could have been telegraphed better. Or maybe I just need to git gud. ( ̄▽ ̄;)

I really love the character designs in this game! Even though some portraits are clearly unfinished or have placeholders, I think they all look really good! I'm not sure if romance has been implemented in the game yet, but I do think it's funny that the two characters that are probably romanceable are very similar to the ones in Hades. Clearly, Supergiant Games has a preference lol. Before Hades II came out, I thought I'd be all over Nemesis, but the character that actually caught my eye is Hecate. Her design is so cool! 👀 Anyway, I'm excited to play more! I still have so much to unlock! I mean, I haven't even encountered Chaos yet! If you're on the fence on trying out Hades II, I'd recommend it! Even though it's in early access, it feels like it has enough content to qualify for a 'full' game.
Entry 007 - Nov/Dec/Jan
Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Splatoon 3, Hogwarts Legacy
During November, I got sick with the flu and spent a good amount of time in bed playing Animal Crossing: New Horizons. After being on the search for her for
over three years, I finally found Goldie! Or rather, she found me. She just happened to be at my campsite one day. It's pretty hilarious considering the sheer amount of Nook Miles I
have spent island hopping in search of her. After spending several minutes badgering her, she agreed to move to my island. Currently, I have Goldie, Bob, Bea, Julian, Hazel,
Marshal, Fang, Ketchup, Dom, and Whitney on my island. Everyone except for Whitney is a permanent resident. Whitney is in my 'rotating' slot, where I invite random
villagers just to shake things up. I'm planning on having Bea and Goldie be neighbors, where they can spend time reading and gardening in their shared yard. It'll be super
cute! I spent a little time decorating my island, but I mainly focused on skipping ahead in time. I mentioned this in an earlier entry, but I'm a little neurotic when it comes
to playing Animal Crossing. I don't play daily, but I hate to 'miss' a day, so I keep track of the date I last played and set the calendar to match it. In Animal Crossing
time, I'm currently still in 2022... I keep telling myself that I'll just skip to important dates and events to time travel quickly, but then I end up getting distracted and playing
normally. Oops! Aside from getting Goldie, I have nothing interesting to report. Although, for some reason, whenever a villager visits my house, they keep sitting on the
toilet in the bathroom. It's pretty funny!

During the past few months, there have been a few events in Splatoon 3. In November and January, there were two Splatfests. I was on the losing team for both of them. I

In January, I finally got around to playing Hogwarts Legacy! I'm fashionably late to play things, as always. Although, in my defense, I was waiting to play it with a friend who only has a Switch. The game was released for the Switch (finally) in like, November I think? But she didn't end up getting it until late December. I was waffling a bit

My friend is playing as a Hufflepuff and I'm in Slytherin. I ended up recreating an old OC of mine named Adrasteia "Adra" Pyrites. (In an early draft for Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, a Death Eater named Pyrites was supposed to accompany Voldemort on the night he killed the Potters. A wizard named Argo Pyrites was also mentioned in this

The Slytherin common room also looks amazing! It's fancy and yet cozy, perfect for all of the stuck-up pureblood scions in Slytherin. I've seen people criticize the gameplay of Hogwarts Legacy,

Speaking of characters, Sebastian is definitely my favorite so far. I also like Natty and have recently met Poppy, who seems cool. I'm intrigued by Ominis and want to learn more about him, considering

Entry 006 - Sept/Oct
Nancy Drew: Curse of Blackmoor Manor, Splatoon 3, Minecraft, RimWorld
In September, I finished up Nancy Drew: Curse of Blackmoor Manor. It was my first Nancy Drew game and while I thought it was fine overall, I'm not sure if I'd
recommend it as your first Nancy game. Apparently it's one of the harder ones? Some of the puzzles aren't very intuitive and it felt like I was just brute-forcing my way
through them. (Although maybe that's just a skill issue on my part lol. I might not have been paying enough attention.) My biggest complaint was that it does this thing that a
lot of adventure games do where it's super easy to miss a click cue leading to a new area. I was hard stuck during a certain portion of the game just because I didn't move my
mouse cursor over a small area in the hidden passageways. I eventually had to look up a walkthrough to progress. Still, I had fun overall. While I thought the mystery was
pretty dumb, the game was charming. It satisified my itch for a point-and-click game and I liked the old school graphics, as wonky as they look. I'll probably play
more Nancy games in the future, when the mood arises.
I'm definitely not playing Splatoon 3 as much as I used to, but I had to check out the Splatfests for September and October. September was the 1-year anniversary for
Splatoon 3! To celebrate, there was a special Splatfest where the theme was Shiver vs. Frye vs. Big Man. I was Team Shiver and we ended up winning! ヽ(o^▽^o)ノ To be honest,
I'm pretty indifferent towards Deep Cut in general. I don't really have any preference towards the idols and just picked Shiver because I knew she was most popular lol. I was a
little surprised (and amused) by the toxicity that came about during that Splatfest. Team Frye talked a lot of shit just to come in last place. Poor Frye lmao. In October was
Splatoween! I was a little worried that Nintendo was going to skip it again but they came through this year! The theme was Zombies vs. Skeletons vs. Ghosts. I was Team Ghosts
and we managed to win. Hurray for a win streak! To be honest, I was a little surprised by the win. From my matches, Skeletons were absolutely stomping Ghosts. Team Zombie was
practically nonexistant. The Tricolor stage for this Splatfest was Brinewater Springs, and I think it might be the worst Tricolor stage yet. Playing on defense was god awful. I don't
really like Tricolor in general but good lord. I really hope Nintendo drops Tricolor for the eventual Splatoon 4. It's a nice experiment in theory, but in practice it
isn't fun and having three idols makes the popularity disparity between teams even more drastic.
I decided to take a break from LISA: The Painful. I plan on returning to it eventually, but I just wasn't in the mood. I've been feeling very (seasonally) depressed lately.
Super tired and unmotivated. When I'm in a mood like this, all I want to do is play mindless comfort games. So, I turned to Minecraft and RimWorld. I decided to
play with a texture pack for the first time. I was so used to vanilla Minecraft that it was super jarring at first, but eventually I got used to it. I started a new world and found
a mine within a lush caves system. I love lush caves! They're so pretty. Here's my cave biome ranking: lush > regular > deep dark >>>>>>>>>>>> dripstone. I absolutely despise dripstone
caves lmao. After exploring a bit (and getting blown up by a creeper twice), I decided to venture out and find an area to
build a house. I found a nice spot between a meadow and an alpine forest to settle down. There was a village nearby for convenient trading. I'm not the best at building things in Minecraft
but I managed to build a small cottage. I'm using Mizuno's 16 Craft texture pack. I built my cottage using granite. I think granite in vanilla Minecraft looks hideous, but I love
the way it looks with the texture pack enabled. The texture pack also changes the appearances of mobs and creatures. I like that it gives different variants to animals like cows and sheep.
They're super adorable! But, I don't know how I feel about the way villagers and endermen look. It turns villagers into furries. They're... cute, I guess? Maybe I'm just not used to them, but I find it hard to
distinguish between villager job types based on their outfits. Not the biggest fan of the changes to endermen. They look very 2010s Tumblr. While I was building my cottage, an enderman
teleported inside. He was a very polite home invader. He walked around and inspected my furniture before peacing out.

Anyway, here's an image dump of my home. I had fun decorating it! (right click -> open image in new tab for a better look!)
MC Image Dump

I also built a wizard tower nearby following this video. I am pleased to announce that I didn't die once from fall damage! 😎 I should follow build guides more often. I feel like I learned a lot just from this one project. I'm planning on using this tower for enchanting and brewing. After getting tired of building, I did some more exploring. After finishing mapping out the area where my house is located, I decided to explore the next grid square over. There, I found two woodland mansions. I decided to poke my head into one and immediately regretted it because I got one-shot by a Vindicator. They are very scary in hard mode. ._. The texture pack makes them kind of look like Jason Voorhees.

Mods Featured
In late October, I ended up getting bored of Minecraft. It's one of those games that I play obsessively for hours and then burn myself out on. So, I switched to RimWorld.

Entry 005 - Jul/Aug
Death's Door, Nancy Drew: Curse of Blackmoor Manor, LISA: The Painful
During July, I started and completed an indie Soulslike game called Death's Door. In it, you play as a small crow that works as a reaper. Your job is to collect the
souls of those who won't die willingly. However, something goes wrong on a mission you are sent on, and you now have to collect the giant souls of three bosses in order to open
Death's Door. Along the way, you learn more about the reaping bureau you work for and its boss, the Lord of Doors. The game was short (around 10 hours to beat) and pretty polished. I think I
only encountered one bug near the end. The art style was charming and the soundtrack was really chill. I'd say in terms of difficulty, it was easier than actual Souls games but
still challenging at times. Most bosses took several tries and there were a few rooms that I had trouble with. Would recommend if you like Soulslike games!

I'm currently in the middle of Nancy Drew: Curse of Blackmoor Manor and LISA: The Painful. I was in the mood for a point-and-click game so I randomly downloaded Blackmoor Manor. It's the first Nancy Drew game I've played and I just randomly picked it. I believe it's technically the 11th in the series, but you don't have to play them

The Definitive Editions of LISA: The Painful and LISA: The Joyful recently came out. I figured that now was a good time to finally check out the series. The games are Earthbound-like indie RPGs with a cult following. They take place in a post-apocalyptic setting where all women mysteriously vanished in a cataclysm called 'The Flash'. Only boys and men

Entry 004 - Apr/May/Jun
Resident Evil 4 Remake, Splatoon 3, & Metroid Prime Remastered
Finished up Resident Evil 4 Remake in April and I had an absolute blast! Unfortunately, since it's been a couple of months, my thoughts on the game aren't fresh so my
review won't be as specific as I'd like. But, I really, really enjoyed the remake! There's a reason why the game broke sales records and received critical acclaim. Capcom
did an outstanding job with it. I loved the expanded characterizations in the remake. The Merchant and Luis were delightful and while I liked Ashley in the original, she's fantastic in
the remake. I loved that it kept the goofy humor from the original. The gameplay was fun and I loved the new knife mechanics. The graphics were amazing. I loved seeing all of the old
locations reimagined in the RE Engine. I spent soooo much time just looking around and admiring the details. Really, I don't have much to criticize. This game was a complete hit with
me! It felt fan-servicey in all of the right ways. Some highlights include: the
opening of the game (of course), the mine cart sequence with Luis, just seeing all of the enemy designs in general (regenerators are so creepy and jiggly now), and the Krauser fight. If
you are even slightly interested, I highly recommend checking the remake out! All that being said, I'm curious to see where Capcom goes from here. The ending hints at a RE5 remake, which
I'm not sure how I feel about. Are they just going to remake that and then RE6? What then? This might be slightly blasphemous, but I'd love to see them remake RE1. Well, remake it again.
A re-remake, if you will. I'd love to see the Spencer Mansion in the RE Engine.

Throughout April and May, I played more of Splatoon 3. In May, we had a crossover Splatfest to celebrate the release of Tears of the Kingdom. The teams were Power vs.

In late May, I decided to finally check out Metroid Prime Remastered. I had played the original on the GameCube but it's been years. I'm not sure what the difference between a remaster and a remake is, but I'd argue that Metroid Prime Remastered for the Nintendo Switch is almost like a remake in terms of quality. Not only have the controls been updated for dual-stick controllers (you can change back to the original controls in the menu), but the sound is now HD and everything has been remodeled and retextured. The game looks absolutely

Entry 003 - Mar
Splatoon 3, Stardew Valley, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, & Resident Evil 4 Remake
Big Run occurred earlier this month in Splatoon 3. I had a lot of fun! The new King Salmonid boss,
Horrorboros, looks really cool and is more fun to fight
than Cohozuna. I managed to make it to the top 20% this time! Hopefully next time, I'll reach the top 5% but I'm not sure how feasible that is. The score threshold will probably
keep rising as people get better and since I play freelance, my scores are heavily reliant on luck. I'd really like to get the gold Big Run badge, but I also don't want to
find a Discord group to play with. Oh well, we'll see. There will be a Splatfest at the end of the month! The theme is Nessie vs. Aliens vs. Bigfoot. I'll be
on Team Alien! 👽
During the middle of the month, I got sick with the flu and spent almost an entire week in bed. It was pretty rough, but I'm feeling better now! When I wasn't sleeping or watching
videos, I played a lot of Stardew Valley and Animal Crossing. I pretty much blitzed through the entirety of Year 3 and am now in Year 4 in Stardew. I've purchased
all of the community upgrades and am currently saving up for the Gold Clock. Once I've bought that, all I have left in the game is to get all of the Stardrops and 100% the crafting menu. The
only item I haven't made is the Life Elixir. I can't believe I haven't made it yet lol. I guess I always just bought them from the Dwarf. Unfortunately, I'm currently in Fall and I need a
morel mushroom to craft it, which only shows up in the Spring. Unless I get lucky with the Traveling Cart, I'll have to wait until next Spring to finish things up.
I finally asked Haley out to be my girlfriend. I was planning on moving straight to marriage but then I remembered that I never decorated my farm house. It looked like an
absolute mess so I spent most of Summer decorating it. I guess I felt a little embarrassed getting married with a house that looks so bad lol. Here's a picture of my farm from the Summer
and what my house currently looks like in the Fall! (Right click to open the images in a new tab for a better look!)
I got a lot of inspiration for my house decor by looking at pictures of other people's houses. I'm planning on putting the big Junimo Plush
by the right kid's bed once I get it at the end of the season (hopefully I'll remember). I might have to rearrange some furniture once Haley moves in. I'm not sure what path
spouses take throughout the house, so I'll need to make sure that furniture isn't blocking her way. But anyway, I'm really pleased with how my house turned out! I'm less sure how
I feel about my farm layout. Still not sure what to do at the bottom right. I also don't know where I'm going to put the Gold Clock. It's kind of an eyesore, so I might just try to hide it somewhere
lol. Also, please ignore the mess in the top right. Not sure how to organize that section. Once Haley moves in, I'll definitely want to move things around.
I played a little bit of Animal Crossing: New Horizons for the first time in months. I'm a little weird about Animal Crossing. I hate missing any in-game days but I also
will take breaks that last months. So, I'll write down the last (in-game) day I played which was on July 14th... of 2021. Lmao. So, I reset my Switch clock to July 15th to continue playing. I'm
so behind lol. I'm not sure if I'll ever catch up so that my in-game day will match the actual date. Anyway, it was nice to be back on my island. My current villagers are: Bob, Julian, Hazel, Marshal,
Fang, Ketchup, Bea, Dom, Dobie, and Peanut. I'm currently waiting for Peanut and Dobie to move. I'm searching for Goldie and then planning on having that last villager slot be open for visitors to
rotate through. Marshal had me run an errand and as thanks, gave me his photo. I think this is the 5th or 6th time I've gotten it from him lmao. At this point, I could make an impressive Marshal
shrine lol. He cracks me up! "Oh, thanks for delivering that present. Here, have an autographed photo of yours truly!" I hope to one day
have the amount of self-confidence he has. Hazel dropped by my house to visit. Here's a picture of us in my second floor room. It's supposed to look like a high-rise apartment of sorts. This
angle isn't the greatest but I'm pretty pleased with the way this room has turned out. I still have my main room and the north room on the first floor to decorate, but I've been dragging my
feet on doing so. I'm pretty lazy when it comes to decorating things. I'm almost never in the mood. Here's a picture of Julian, Ketchup, and Bob looking very rad at the town square. I love it when
villagers do random activities there. It's so cute!
I spent most of my time getting reacquainted to playing New Horizons and on my island. It's still unfinished so I don't feel like
showing off too much of it. Maybe one day, when I finally get around to making a separate Animal Crossing page? I have fully decorated parts of my island and like the way they look, but
then I stopped once the DLC came out. I felt like I should wait to collect more of the DLC furniture to use, and then I just stopped playing and took a months long break lol. I really should stop
procrastinating and start decorating. One of my friends still plays New Horizons regularly. She told me the other day that she's bulldozing her island to redecorate it again. I'd like
to finally be able to show off a finished version of my island to her. She's seen my island before, but I haven't really done much work on it since. Meanwhile, I think this is her 4th or 5th time redecorating.
She's going for a jungle theme this time. I'm excited to see it! Speaking of the DLC, I spent a little bit of time decorating some vacation homes. I like the way the exterior of Coco's house turned
out. I like the atmosphere the fog gives, and I think it suits her slightly creepy (but cute!) appearance.

Recently, the remake for Resident Evil 4 came out and I've been having a blast playing it! I haven't played a lot, but it's really good so far! I know some people don't like the darker tone the newer games take, but I kind of like it. I think it suits the more realistic appearance of the newer games, and we still always have the old ones to go back to when you want a goofier time. I was a little worried about the way Leon looked in preview screenshots, but I think he looks fine in-game. Poor man is desperately in need of a nap though. As I mentioned before, I haven't played too much

Entry 002 - Feb
Splatoon 3, Stardew Valley, Dark Souls: Remastered, & Elden Ring DLC
Earlier in February was the Chocolate Splatfest in Splatoon 3! I was on Team Milk Chocolate and we lost (boo!). Team White Chocolate absolutely swept lol. Didn't
expect White Chocolate to be the most popular team but oh well, I still had fun! I finally managed to win my first 100x battle! Normally, I don't play enough to
trigger a 100x battle but I guess I got lucky this time. It was super exciting! I was really nervous at first, but my team ended up bullying the poor Dark Chocolate
team we were against. I almost felt bad but I fought against some really tough Dark Chocolate teams so I considered that payback.
I also managed to rank up to S+ right before the season ended. Woohoo!

Also played a little bit more of Stardew Valley. I made it to Year 3 and soundly passed Grandpa's assessment. I found almost all of the Golden Walnuts on

To my surprise, the Switch version of Dark Souls: Remastered runs surprisingly well. Is it the most optimized experience for DS1? No, but being able to play whenever on the Switch is nice. It's been years since I've played the first Dark Souls game. I surprisingly don't remember a lot so getting to re-experience the game for a second time

After ringing the first bell tower, I messed around a bit. I wandered around for a while and found myself in the Valley of Drakes. It took a while (and by a while I mean a very long time), but I managed to fight my way through the valley and made it to the very end. Several times, the drakes glitched out and flew through the floor and died. Another time,

Recently, Fromsoft announced DLC for Elden Ring!!!! It was a really random announcement but I'm so excited!! I was practically frothing at the mouth when it was first announced lmao. More Elden Ring is always great but I'm

Entry 001 - Late Dec/Jan/Feb
Rune Factory 4 Special & Stardew Valley
Recently borrowed Rune Factory 4 Special for the Switch from the library, after hearing a lot of praise for it. And I gotta say, I'm a little disappointed.
I was hoping to like it more than Stardew Valley, which is currently my favorite farming sim/rpg style game. I do think the combat is better, but that's
about it. RF4 has a lot more mechanics than Stardew, but I feel like the systems weren't well integrated into the gameplay. The game
doesn't do a good job in explaining these systems either. You can cook, craft, and forge sooo many different items, which is neat. However, having to constantly
consult the wiki to figure out what I can make and how to make it was annoying. It felt like the devs focused on quantity, not quality when it came to these
systems. They existed as things you could do, but you could also completely ignore them (at least on Normal difficulty). The vast number of things you
can do is probably a huge selling point for fans of the game, but I personally found it to be a little dissatisfying. I wish that the gameplay mechanics were
more cohesive, so that there is a clear gameplay loop of farming → crafting → dungeon crawling etc. Instead, it was a little disjointed.
In terms of other things, I thought the characters were pretty boring. I mean, the characters in Stardew are also boring, but I guess I prefer the
western style of boring characters, rather than the Japanese anime style. I can't name a single bachelor or bachelorette off the top of my head. The bachelorettes
in particular were very uninteresting. They all kind of felt like that generic cutesy anime archetype. As a lesbian, I always dither on whether to play a man or a woman
in games with gender-locked dating. In the end, I decided to play the female character, and I'm glad I did. I hate having to play as a man, and none of the
bachelorettes interested me enough to switch. I guess my character will just be single, as the bachelors were also very dull lol. The main female character design
would be fine, if it weren't for these weird nipple tassels she has on her armor. Like, what are those??? Why??
As for the story, I thought it was fine. I only played most of the first arc before I had to return my copy. I hope I don't come off as being too negative. I did
overall like RF4, but I also found it disappointing. I thought the combat was more engaging than Stardew's, and liked that you could use magic.
My favorite weapons were the daggers. I liked zipping around with them. I'd be interested in playing more RF4 one day, just to see where the story goes.
However, playing RF4 only made me want to play Stardew, so that's what I did.
I own Stardew Valley for both PC and the Nintendo Switch. I decided to start a new save on my Switch. I have a really bad habit of restarting games after I
haven't played for a while. Because of this, I rarely ever finish games lol. Anyway, I'm playing on the Forest Farm, which I almost always choose. It's the best one imo. I decided to
play with the remixed bundles, just to change things up. They were surprisingly easy to finish. I think I got lucky with the ones I got. I normally pick the
mushroom caves, but this time I went with fruit bats, which helped me complete the Artisan Bundle. I managed to rebuild the Community Center during Fall Year 1, which is
a new record for me. Normally I don't complete it until the Winter or early Spring of Year 2.
Aside from that, Year 1 passed with little to note other than me expanding my coop and barn. During the first half of Year 2, I focused on expanding my house and cleaning
up the layout of my farm. Here I found a giant melon and ended the Summer of Year 2 by watching the moonlight jellies.

During the Fall, I really focused on getting Iridium to make sprinklers and expanded my farm area. Here, you can see me and my trust steed, Pony Sopran. I originally

Fall ended quickly, and I'm currently in the Winter of Year 2. I've maxed my relationships with everyone except for Sandy and Leo. I've caught all the fish in the game and have cooked almost every recipe, except for the ones you get from Ginger Island, Sandy, and Leo. I still haven't dated anyone yet though. I'm thinking of maybe romancing Haley but like I mentioned before, I think the characters in Stardew Valley are kind of boring, so I'm pretty ambivalent towards everyone. The only other character I might romance is Alex, but that's solely because I adore his grandparents and would love to have them as my in-laws lol. But yeah, I will probably romance Haley... eventually. I was hoping to marry before Year 3

Recently, I finished Birdie's quest. I like her design. Too bad she's a minor NPC so you can't really interact much with her. I finally got around to building the movie theatre. I forgot it existed so I ignored the old Joja store for a long time lol. This poor Jumino was finally able to go back home.

The last major thing I've accomplished is building the beach resort. I finally have access to all areas on the island. Right now, I'm searching for an ostrich egg to incubate while slowly clearing out the island farm. I really want to build an island obelisk to fast travel easily, but that will take time. I currently don't have any way of getting bananas to build it. I'm thinking of maybe building a third fish pond on my regular farm and filling it with Blue Discus fish to try to get bananas from them.
Like The Sims, Stardew Valley is one of those games where I get in the mood to play, play it obsessively for a few weeks, and then stop abruptly and not touch it again for like half of a year. I can feel myself losing the drive to play it. Not sure what I'll play next. I just hope that the next time I do another Stardew binge, I don't restart. Again. I always stop playing around Winter of Year 2 lol. It's a pattern I've noticed.